The Sun is in Capricorn
TODAY the Sun is in Capricorn, the goat-fish of death and resurrection. This is the symbolism of the resurrection and that Messiah would be raised from the dead.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9
The Sun is the Messianic fulfillment of “The Light of the World.” Where it shines, it accentuates the constellation’s meaning of Messiah. TODAY the Sun is in Capricorn, the amazing symbol of a dying goat and living fish. The resurrection was God’s seal upon His approved Man and Messiah. Because Christ was raised, you were raised too (Romans 6:5). Preach the resurrection. No one has anything to compare to it. It is the guarantee of eternal life.
The Moon is in Leo
TODAY the Moon is presently located against the backdrop of Leo, the bold lion of victory. The Moon stays in one constellation only about 2½ days and its lumens, size, and shape changes daily. This shows where you need to focus TODAY and be aware of your actions. Since Leo is the bold lion of victory, TODAY make a decision to be bold against evil. Confidence is manifested when you know that you are with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Mercury is in Aquarius
TODAY Mercury, the Messianic messenger planet, is located in Aquarius, the abundant giver. Mercury always travels close to the Sun and its Hebrew name means the Sun’s messenger; therefore, it means the message of Messiah. TODAY be abundant in your praises for God. Praise Him throughout the day and share your joy with others.
Venus is in Pisces
TODAY Venus, the bright and morning star of Messiah’s passion and love, is in Pisces, the binder of evil. Aside from the Sun and Moon, Venus (Hebrew Nogah for splendor and beauty) is the brightest light in the sky. It shows the love of Christ and where and how you should love. TODAY get in the fight and love righteousness more than sin. Confront evil around you and bind its influence over you.
Mars is in Gemini
TODAY Mars, the red planet of fervor and war, is located in Gemini, the well balanced warrior. Mars' Hebrew name is Madim, the Red One, and its Messianic message is the fervor and warfare of Messiah. Exodus 15:3 says the LORD is a man of war. TODAY Yeshua the warrior reminds us to use all our weapons of spiritual warfare. Pray always in the spirit and be ready to speak up for Him today. Be instant in season and out of season.
Jupiter is in Taurus
Jupiter, the king planet, is named Zedek in Hebrew and means righteous and powerful. It shows the leadership and power of Messiah. Jupiter stays in one constellation for almost a whole year so that we can get the message. TODAY Jupiter is residing in the constellation of Taurus, the determined bull. This is reminding us day unto day that true leadership is determined and will finish what it starts. God will complete the work He has begun in you. Push hard.
Saturn is in Aquarius
The Hebrew name of Saturn comes from the same root as Sabbath and means resting. Saturn is the seventh planet from the Sun and accentuates the long lasting message of faithfulness and service because it rests in a constellation for approximately 2½ years. TODAY Saturn is resting in the constellation of Aquarius, the abundant giver. The message of Messiah out of the heavens is to give of yourself and your things freely. It is more blessed to give than to receive and this really shows the Christ-like attitude. Being a good steward does not mean being stingy.