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Get your free Level 1 Christological profile! View the CA YouTube channel or go to, or order the Christological Astronomy workbook, e-workbook, DVD set, CD set, or package deals from our e-store.
Two patriarchs of the faith have said this about Christological Astronomy:
"Hi Doctor
. Thanks for mailing your book to me, Christological Astronomy. Wonderful reading. I have been amazed by the information." —David Flynn
"I must say that when you gave me my Christological profile during ISDM, I became fascinated with your research. Now I must congratulate you for your book, Christological Astronomy. . . . The premise that the heavens declare the glory of God is an item of faith that we all agree with, but most of us have never seen the implications of what that might mean. Keep up the good work!" —C. Peter Wagner
Click on the link for more information about our ESA book, e-book, audiobook on CD, or audiobook in MP3, and order your copy today!
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Would you like a fresh approach to Bible study? This program systematizes over 20 years of research and teaching from LMCI. Click for more information and to view the curriculum or to register for your chosen study level!
Dale M Sides
The apostolic teaching ministry of Dale M. Sides
Dr. Dale M. Sides, the founder and president of Liberating Ministries for Christ International (LMCI), is an in-depth Bible teacher and author with over 40 years of ministerial experience. Read more
LMCI is an international apostolic teaching ministry devoted to individual discipleship with a view toward helping each one fulfill their ministry.
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